Welcome to DreamToShare.com
Share Your Dream or Visit the Dreams of Others
While asleep, did you have a dream that you want to share, and then wondered, “Where can I share my dream?” Perhaps you would like to document it, or you need to purge it from your mind by writing it down. Are you noticing that articles concerning improving your sleep quality or boosting your creativity advise you to transcribe your dreams?
It’s very easy to do all of those things here and it’s totally free! Share as many dreams as you like, whenever you like. Our sign-up forms are very quick and easy. Click here to login or register.
Your real-world identity can remain hidden, that is, you can be known only by your pseudonym (your online username). Or, if you want one special person to know about your dream, you can click the “Email” icon in the group of social sharing buttons (on the upper-left of most pages) and your default e-mail program will create a new mail item with your dream’s title in the subject field and the dream URL in the message body. If you would like all your friends and family to know exactly what you dreamt, you can do that too by clicking the other social sharing buttons (on the upper-left of most pages).
When documenting your dream, you can include an image, and you can select from numerous categories:
Epic Dreams
False Awakenings
Flying Dreams
Healing Dreams
Lucid Dreams
Night Terrors
Prophetic Dreams
Recurring Dreams
Signal Dreams
Vivid Dreams

If you would like to learn more about improving your creativity, enhancing your dreams, or just sleeping better, you will want to read the following:
If you’re wondering if your dreams might have a meaning that you need to understand, here are some articles that may help:
If you encounter a problem that that is not addressed in our FAQs, you can can contact us through the method specified there (on the FAQs page).
Try the Dream To Share mobile app for Android or iOS!
[Open Android link with your Android mobile device to download. (See “About this app” for Android version requirements.)]
[Open iOS link with your iPhone, iPod, or Mac to download. (For device requirements, see “Information”, “Compatibility”.)].